【募集】子ども教室 オンライン・プレスクール Online class for Preschool Foreign children 学龄前儿童网上教室(ZOOM)
町田国際交流センター子ども教室・プレスクールでは、 町田市に在住で日本語に困っているお子さん及びその保護者の方を対象に、ZOOMによるオンライン教室 を開いています。日本語の勉強と小学校の入学準備をお手伝いします。
Machida International Center offer the Japanese Online Class by ZOOM for the children in nursery school・kindergarten and their parents who are having trouble with learning Japanese and preparing for elementary school.
★申し込みができるお子さん(Applicant qualification/报名资格)
( Children whose age to start elementary school from coming April and their parents /明年上小学1年级的儿童、家长可陪同参加)
(Children who can take online class/能够上网课的儿童)
★活動時間(Activity time/ 活动时间)
(The lesson lasts 30 minutes on every Saturday except the fifth week between 11:00 to 11:30./每星期六上午从11:00到11:30的30分钟上课、当月第5周的星期六休息)
★参加費(Fee / 费用)
・無料 Free 免费
★申し込み期間(Application period/报名时间)
(Applications close upon reaching its capacity / 满员为止)
( If the number of applicants for the class exceeds its capacity, applicants will be selected for enrollment by lottery. / 如果报名人数太多,会通过抽签决定。)
(Required Equipment: PC or Tablet with Headset or Earphones, Webcam or Smartphone, stable internet connection etc. / 所需器材:一台配置有摄像头、麦克风等设备的台式或笔记本电脑,或智能手机,可稳定上网的网络等等。)
★申し込みの流れ(Registration process/报名流程)
( Please fill in and submit the application form below / 请填写并提交下方报名申请表)
(We will inform you once is decided / 决定后通知)
【申し込みフォーム/Application Form/报名申请表】はこちら?